Aly Mohamed
I hack and build AR headsets. And I’m excited about AR/VR and all-things audio.
I’m building Vound, a new form of assistive listening devices using spatial computing (AR) and NLP. I started developing this project when I was an undergraduate at MIT, which led me to be named Forbes 30 Under 30.
I began hacking AR headsets in high school, and I built Vound’s first AR prototype at 19. I studied electrical engineering and management at MIT and spent a term abroad studying PPE at Oxford. While at MIT, I launched the MIT Entrepreneurship Club (MEC), MIT’s community of entrepreneurial undergraduate engineers.
I’ve worked for European venture capitalists where I worked at Rocket Internet in London and Berlin, and Fortino Capital Partners in Munich, Antwerp, and Amsterdam, and I have had the opportunity to work and study in cities all over the world, including Boston, New York, San Francisco, London, Oxford, Munich, Berlin, Neuchâtel and Cairo.
I'm currently based in San Francisco; in my free time I like to host philosophy salons with friends, and play squash. You can connect with me on linkedIn or at aly at mit dot edu!
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